Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families
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# | Thumb | Description | Info | Linked to |
1 | Ahola, Elsa's school picture. Elsa is wearing the sailor dress. | |||
2 | Ahola, Johan (John), Ida and Reino with dog | |||
3 | Anton and Fiina Bloom | |||
4 | Baker, Almyra Nellie Ottman Wilson labeled this photo "Myra Baker". The label appears to designate the woman on the right. |
Owner of original: Tin Can |
5 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
Date: 2010 |
6 | Bloom, Elsa and Uno | |||
7 | Bloom, Fiina and Anton in June, 1939. | |||
8 | Bloom, Uno and co-workers Uno (standing in back), others Forest Shewmake, James Zmek Jr., Joseph Kalous. Employed by the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. | |||
9 | Chamberlain, Frederick Bradley Brother-in law of Jonathan Oscar Simmons | |||
10 | Chamberlain, Laura Ann Simmons Jonathan Oscar Simmons sister. | |||
11 | Davidson, Alexander Rae | |||
12 | Davidson, Laura Tanner | |||
13 | Historical Marker for the Boght Church. The marker is on Boght Rd east of New Loudon Road (US 9) in the Town of Colonie, Albany County, New York. (42.78372, -073.74054) |
Owner of original: D.L.Martin Date: 15 Jul 2018 |
14 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
Place: At their Home |
15 | Keeler, Martin Nellie Ottman Wilson wrote on the back: "Martin Keeler - Father of Laura Jane Keeler Phelps - born in Connecticut - Great Grandfather of Nellie Ottman Wilson" | |||
16 | Keeler, Nancy Northrop Nellie Ottman Wilson wrote on the back: "Nancy Northrop Keeler - Mother of Laura Jane Keeler Phelps - born in Connecticut - Great Grandmother of Nellie Ottman Wilson" | |||
17 | Klondike Gold Rush -- Boats and Camp On 31 May 1898 J.K. Martin described the difficult trip though the rapids at the end of Lindeman Lake: " Monday morning we loaded our boats and arrived at the canyon at noon, and hired our outfit, all but a ton, hauled, (Those are the boys that make the money – ten dollars a ton for 3\4-mile haul and just all they can do) which we were going to have put through in the boats, as the pilot said he would line them through if we would put a thousand pounds in each boat so that it would pay him to take time, and we thought it would be best to do that and not take chances on smashing on [sic] boat by shooting the rapids, but the “bugger” came around this morning and said he could shoot the rapids all right with it and asked me to go down with him and help hold it off the rocks, and show him where our goods were, so as to land. Well, we made the start alright, but only got about two-thirds of the way through when we run the bow smash into the solid rock bank, which set us spinning , and we brought up a little further down on some rock, knocking the back corner out of it, and we had a great hustle to get out goods ashore. The boat sank right down and wet the goods in great shape, but luckily the water was only up to our hips, so we were able by the aid of a line to wade and carry our goods ashore. That happened at 6'clock this morning, and our boat is still there, badly wrecked, and it is now 8 p.m., but we expect to raise it yet this evening or early tomorrow morning. It’s most too dangerous a place to work in while the boats are shooting by. " Their second boat made it through undamaged. Soon after JKM wrote that he lost his Kodak. |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
18 | Klondike Gold Rush -- Digging for avalanche victims On 3 Apr 1898 J.K. Martin wrote to his family "This has been an exciting day and a sad one to many. The snow slides have been the worst this country ever knew. You have, undoubtedly, seen the reports in the papers. There is no telling how many people are buried under the snow. They have dug out about thirty so far and over half of them are dead. I saw fifteen dead bodies today and they are still digging. I expect the newspapers will have everyone buried alive. We were on the point of telegraphing you through Mr. Olds at Seattle, for fear you would see the reports in the papers and worry about us. I took two Kodak shots at the scenes as the men were at the rescue work." |
Owner of original: D. L.Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
19 | Klondike Gold Rush -- Dogs and Men In a letter dated 2 Mar 1898 J. K. Martin wrote "we have six dogs: they do fine work" |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
20 | Klondike Gold Rush -- Goat Team Unlabelled photo by J. K. Martin, 1898. |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
21 | Klondike Gold Rush -- Miners Climbing the Chilkoot Pass On 21 Mar 1898 J. K. Martin wrote "We are getting along nicely and have all our goods about one-third the way up the summit now and if we have good weather three more days will put us on top. A person has to be awful careful, as the mountain is so steep if a person falls down he will roll or slide to the bottom, unless he can catch a rope to stop; but it does not hurt a person. We wear iron creepers with long flat calks on them to keep from slipping down, so as long as you can keep your feet you are all right. I let my sled get away from me on St. Patrick`s Day with 350 pounds on it, and it flew back down the mountain at the rate of a mile a minute for 5009 feet and ran into another sled, smashed it and scattered goods all over. The deal cost me $8.50, besides breaking my own sled. The mountains are so steep a person can hardly ascend them and we use block and tackle and station two men at each end of the line to load and unload and we catch the packers coming down to ride one sled down, which brings the loaded one up. Four men riding a sled down will bring up about 250 or 300 pounds and they are always glad to get a ride down. " |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
22 | Klondike Gold Rush -- View of Dyea, Alaska Photo by J. K Martin, 1898. |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 24 Mar 2014 |
23 | Knapp, Georgia This photo was found by Carol Mackay in a collection of photos that had belonged to Julia Lotten, a teacher. Georgia Knapp is written on the back. | |||
24 | Ladd, Susan Keeler Written on the back: "Laura this is for you, June 27, 1890." Nellie Ottman Wilson added: "Susan Keeler Ladd - Sister to - Laura Keeler Phelps" | |||
25 | Latham, Maud Martin | |||
26 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
Owner of original: D. L. Martin Date: 1976 |
27 | Lee, Corabel Written on back in Corabel Lee's handwriting: Cousin May from Corabel Lee 1893 [May was Mary Jane Simmons Tanner] |
Owner of original: D.L. Martin |
28 | Lucas, Caroline Tanner This photo was labeled either Aunt Caroline or Aunt Euphemia. We concluded it was Caroline by comparing it to other photos. | |||
29 | Lucas, Caroline Tanner and family l to r. Alta Lucas Henen, Thomas Werkheiser, Caroline Tanner Wilson Lucas, Edward Henen, Amelia Wilson Werkheiser, Charles Aldelbert (Bert) Lucas, Minnie Hamilton Lucas | |||
30 | Lucas, Charles Adelbert | |||
31 | Martin, Alfred Lycurgus | |||
32 | Martin, Flora F. | |||
33 | Martin, Flora F. | |||
34 | Martin, Flora Knapp Flora mailed this photo from Los Angeles to her grandson Kenneth when he was ill. She wrote on the back: "My Dear Little Sufferer, I have come to see you and brought my cow. I hope you will be glad to see her -- I hope you soon be well and able to return this visit some time this winter. I would be so glad to see you. Lovingly Grandma Martin Photo before 1910. | |||
35 | Martin, Fred and Ruth | |||
36 | Martin, J. K., Lottie and Kenneth L.R. Lottie, Kenneth, J.K. | |||
37 | Martin, J. Kenneth | |||
38 | Martin, Julia and Alfred | |||
39 | Martin, Lottie Tanner | |||
40 | Martin, Louis Frederick | |||
41 | Martin, Lycurgus Family Portrait. Front: Lycurgus and Flora Rear: L. to R. Alfred L., Blanche, Maud, Jira | |||
42 | Martin, Lycurgus Fargo | |||
43 | Martin, Lycurgus Fargo | |||
44 | Martin, Lycurgus' and Flora's Children L to R. Alfred Lycurgus, Blanche Alma, Jira Kenneth, Maud Estella | |||
45 | Martin, Maud E. | |||
46 | Morrill, Nellie Tanner Daughter of James W. Tanner and Phebe Cates | |||
47 | Ottman, Charles Nellie Ottman Wilson wrote on the back: "Charley Ottman son of Mathew Ottman and Elvira Phelps Ottman" |
Owner of original: Tin Can |
48 | Ottman, Dewitt G. Nellie Ottman Wilson wrote on the back: "Dewitt Gilbert Ottman". |
Owner of original: Tin Can |
49 | Ottman, Dewitt G. | |||
50 | Ottman, Elma Julina Phelps |