Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1001 Sarah's husband John died in 1829 when her children were young, and Sarah presumably kept his property. In 1847 her son Solomon K. Knapp paid each of his siblings $100 for their interest in John's property suggesting that Sarah had died before that date. Place of death is assumed, not documented. Knapp, Sarah (Sally) (I2065)
1002 Sarahs' husband Waitstill remarried 17 Mar 1707/8 to Mindwell Bartlet in Northampton, Massachusetts. Janes, Sarah (I2275)
1003 Savage Vol 1. p 387
Churchman, Hugh, Lynn 1640, d. says Lewis 1644. His will was prod. 9 Jul of that year. Ann, perhaps his dau, m. at Weymouth 16 Apr 1639, John Rogers. John took the oath of alleg. 22 Jun 1632 as qualif. to come to N.E. in the Lion, arr 16 Sep.  
Churchman, Ann (I157)
1004 Scanned by Google. Source (S79)
1005 Schoharie Reformed Lutheran Church "from an unfortunate shot" Schaeffer, Christina (I447)
1006 Second wife of William Tanner Babcock, Mary (I140)
1007 Section 119 (Linden Grove Cremation Garden), Row M, plot 9 Bloom, Sandra Josephine (I2)
1008 Section 3E 14 Keeler, Laura Jane (I180)
1009 Section 3E 14 Phelps, Clark (I179)
1010 Section A Site 148 Keeler, Benjamin (I1539)
1011 Section H, Lot 4 Orsborn (Osborn), Selina (I416)
1012 Section H, Lot 4 Keeler, Fred Barker (I1115)
1013 Section H, Lot 4 Keeler, Ralph W (I1116)
1014 Section H, Lot 4 Keeler, Hattie M. B. (I1117)
1015 Section H, Lot 4 Keeler, Elsie A. (I1118)
1016 Section H, lot 4. Keeler, Peter Althouse (I446)
1017 Section N, Lots 259, 260 Keeler, Mary Eleanor (I1105)
1018 Section N, Lots 259, 260 Robison, George Francis (I1107)
1019 see note under Frank Ahola Hyle, Ida Sofia (I333)
1020 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I11)
1021 Settled at Drummondsville, (now Niagara) Canada Morse, Lieutenant Auston (I1431)
1022 She almost certainly was Dinah Newell Wilcox. Her grave inscription was on the same monument as Norris C. Wilcox and his wives Charlotte and Laura A.D.

Initial identification of Dinah as Elijah's second wife came from on-line notes posted by Cathy Kuhl. Grave location from findagrave.com. 
Newell, Dinah (I1246)
1023 She appeared as L.A.C.A Martin in the 1861 Canada Census. King, Letitia Augusta Caroline Ann (I970)
1024 She died in Town of New Utrecht which became part of Brooklyn. Labagh (Labach, Laubaugh), Catherine (I2072)
1025 She is listed as Flora Franier Martin in the death certificate index at the Minnesota Historical Society. At the time of her death she was living in Ward 8 in Minneapolis, which is where her daughter Maud was living. Knapp, Flora Frances (I22)
1026 She may have died in Plainville, Onondaga, New York or in the Willard State Hospital in Ovid, Seneca, New York where an Elizabeth Cory from rural Onondaga County was an inmate in 1940. Keeler, Elizabeth Catherine (I1478)
1027 She used Corabel to sign her paintings and a photo she gave to Mary Jane Simmons. She was called Cora in a letter to Lottie Tanner and in the 1870 and 1880 US Censuses. She appeared as "Bell" in the 1860 US Census. Lee, Corabel (I1634)
1028 She used the name Laura A Chamberlain. I do not know if she was legally adopted.

Presumably her middle name was Abigail, her grandmother's name. A note in the family records called her Abagail, and Ruth Stebbins (see source S7) said her name was Abbie. She appeared as Laura A. in every US Census.

Beach, Laura Abigail (I475)
1029 She was a descendant of Thomas Rogers of the Mayflower.  Gooding, Ruth (I147)
1030 She was called Sarah L. the 1880 US Census for Medina Village, Medina, Ohio but L.E. in the 1885 Minnesota census for Little Falls, and there is a photograph taken in Little Falls labeled Lotta Alcott (Mrs. J. O. Pomroy). She was called Sara L. in the 1900, and 1910 US Censuses and Sarah in the 1920 and 1930 US Censuses.

Sarah L. (I824)
1031 She was Susie in the record of her marriage to Frank. Kylkinen, Sanna (I2603)
1032 Since David's son David was born in Hopkinton in 1780, it appears that David returned to Rhode Island after the war. Tanner, David (I134)
1033 Soldier in Revolutionary War. Gooding, William Jr. (I764)
1034 Soldier in the Revolution. Gooding, William (I148)
1035 Solomon was named as a brother of Samuel, Susannah, Rachel, David, and Benjamin S. Knapp in Catherine Labagh Knapp's will. (Transcript under documents below.) Knapp, Solomon (I557)
1036 Solomon's gravestone reads:
SOLOMON KNAPP / DIED / AUG. 27, 1847 / AE. 80 YS
Gravestone location: N43.04967 W74.33414 
Knapp, Solomon (I557)
1037 Some authors have written that Elizabeth married Peleg Wightman and is buried in the Carpenter-Wightman Lot in Warwick, R.I. (aka Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Warwick #112). However, the Elizabeth Greene who married Peleg Wightman was the daughter of John Greene, not Timothy.
Greene, Elizabeth (2nd) (I395)
1038 Some genealogies (especially on-line) say that this Zerviah Calkins was the wife of Paul Phelps, Jr. That is incorrect. This Zerviah did not grow up in the Lebanon, Connecticut area, as her family moved to Dutchess County, New York when she was five or six years old, and she probably never met Paul Phelps. Her mother died there about 1744, and her father died there in 1769. If she had married Paul, it would have been a very unusual marriage as this Zerviah was 13 years older than Paul. Also, she would have been 50 when Paul 3rd was born, a very late (although not impossible) age to give birth. Paul's wife was actually Zerviah Calkins, the daughter of Solomon Calkins and Zerviah Dewey.  Calkins, Zerviah (I192)
1039 Some sources say that Roger was a French Huguenot who was forced to flee from France to England and then came to New England. Some say that he was born in 1614 in La Rochelle, Basse-Normandie, France. Despite its prevalence, this French connection is almost certainly family lore and not based on demonstrable fact. Best said that he had found no information about the date and place of Roger's birth nor his parentage. Watson wrote "there is no evidence that Roger Amidown was a native of France or a Huguenot." Watson cited Christopher Amaden who had found Roger's baptismal record and the marriage of his parents in the records of Ringwood, Hampshire, England and concluded that "this origin is very probable" because his birth date is consistent with his age at first marriage, he had children named Phillip and Johanna which echoed his parents' names, and his surname was rare, the ports Poole and Southhampton were nearby where he could have trained as a ship builder, and Hampshire is in an area where the "down" ending is most commmon.
Anidowne (Amadowne, Amidon), Roger (I2316)
1040 Sometimes called Berthe Flekke indicating that she might have come from a farm named Flekke. Viktor Wilson was never able to find any record of her birth. Brusesdatter, Berthe Lorine (I360)
1041 Sometimes written Deighton. Simmons, Jonathan Sr. (I146)
1042 Source of Anna's married name.

Baldwinsville, New York. Gazette & Farmer's Journal, Thurs. June 9, 1932
Mrs. Anna Vincent of Metuchen, New Jersey, came last week Thursday to spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cory.

Mrs. Elizabeth Cory and Mrs. Anna Vincent were in Phoenix Tuesday to attend the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Martha DeBuse.

Keeler, Anna (I1477)
1043 Spelled Bilicent in the Morse GenealogyMorse, Billisant (I1383)
1044 Spelled Heman in 1860 US census and on death certificate; Herman in 1850 US census.  Keeler, Heman Henry (I1566)
1045 Spelled Salany in the Morse GenealogyGreenfield, Silany (I1398)
1046 Spelling variants: Gotely, Gotelie, Gotelye. Goatley, Edmund (I2627)
1047 Spring of 1775 or 1776. Family: Joice, Jonathan / Greene, Mary (F155)
1048 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F453)
1049 St. Francis Church Family: Murphy, Patrick Joseph / Logan, Mary Josephine (F456)
1050 St. Gabriel's Hospital Tanner, Edward John (I715)

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