Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1051 St. Luke's Episcopal Church Family: Wilson, Arthur Reuben / Brandenbourger, Harriet (F141)
1052 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Yost, Marilyn D. (F267)
1053 Starkweather says that the evidence for this marriage is in Preston Deeds, Book 4 folio 79 (not verified). Family: Stanton, John / Starkweather, Mary (F705)
1054 Stephan is listed here because The Janes Family says that Able and Mary Janes daughter Esther (b. 1695) married Stephen Hunt. There was an Esther (no surname, b. 1711) who married Stephen Hunt. It is unclear if the two Esthers are the same peron and if Stephen Hunt was the husband Esther the daughter of Able and Mary Janes. [More in the note under Esther Janes.] Hunt, Stephen (I2291)
1055 Strachey's description of the wreck of the Sea Venture and events in Bermuda is thought to have been the inspiration for Shakespeare's play The Tempest and the mutinous sailors in the play. Stephano, the drunken, mutinous butler in the play, may have been named for Stephen. Hopkins, Stephen (I2497)
1056 SUMMARY OF DATA FOR THIS FAMILY: Although undocumented sources have asserted that John Lloyd 2nd and Susanna Chadwick were the parents of John Lloyd 3rd and that John Lloyd 3rd was born in Bristol Rhode, Island, I have found no birth records supporting these assertions. John 2nd and Susanna Chadwick were married at Trinity Church in Newport RI in 1769 or 1770, and the 1774 Rhode Island Census showed that they had son the right age to be John 3rd. When the British occupied Newport in 1776, John 2nd and his family removed to Charlestown, Rhode Island where they lived until at least 1790. Indeed, John 2nd was the only Loyd or Lloyd who appeared in the 1774 Rhode Island Census, the 1777 Rhode Island Military Census, the 1784 Rhode Island Census or Census substitutes, and the 1790 US Census of Rhode Island. This is a striking fact, even though the censuses may have been incomplete and some of the data for some towns has been lost. I have found no indication that there was a Loyd or Lloyd family living in Bristol, Rhode Island. Indeed, the only document supporting the idea that John 3rd was born in Rhode Island, is in the 1850 US Census for Otego, Otsego, New York which says that John 3rd's presumed sister Susanna Lloyd Tanner was born in Rhode Island. Family: Lloyd, John 2nd / Chadwick, Susannah (F934)
1057 Surname also spelled Braun and Brawn in Vik Wilson's Ottman book. Braun, Christina (I178)
1058 Surname Eakins from Blanco County, Texas marriage record at http://www.txgenweb2.org/txblanco/marrindex-m.html . Maud Latham had her name as Aitkins.  Eakins, Martha (I964)
1059 surname possibly Bacon. Mehitabel (I1789)
1060 Surname possibly Davis Elizabeth D. (I996)
1061 Surname possibly Rineman, Rinecum, or Kineum Ruth (I2011)
1062 Surname Seams is from Maud Latham's papers; it is unverified. Name Emerette is from US censuses. Seams, Emerett O (I956)
1063 Surname spelled Southerland in the deed to Peter Morse's farm. Sutherland, John (I1410)
1064 Surname uncertain. Cottrell, Mary (I137)
1065 Susanna's birthplace is an educated guess. The 1850 Census says she was born in Rhode Island and her probable parents were living in Charlestown at the time of her birth. Her birth date in G.C. Tanner's book (23 Oct 1778) differs by one day from date calculated from data on gravestone (24 Oct). The 1850 US Census says she was born in 1780. Lloyd, Susanna (I131)
1066 Susannah may have been the sister of Abraham Thew and may have had a previous marriage to ___Hout or ____Hunt. In his will her husband Daniel called Abraham Thew his brother-in-law, but because Abraham Thew was married to Daniel's sister Rachel the brother-in-law designation is ambiguous and may refer only to Rachel and not Susannah. I have taken Hout as Susannah's surname from the following baptismal record of the Clarkstown Reformed Church: "Benjemen, April 3 1768, July 17 Daniel Knep, Susannah Hout". The marriage record for Susannah Hunt and Daniel Knap (which gives only the names and date, but not the place) presumably refers to the same couple. Hout (Hunt, née Thew?), Susannah (I2145)
1067 Susannah was named as a sister of Samuel, Rachel, David, Solomon and Benjamin S. Knapp and wife of Francis Gurnee in Catherine Labagh Knapp's will. (Transcript under documents below) Knapp, Susannah (I2066)
1068 Susannah was possibly the daughter of Thomas Chadwick and Bridget McHaney Chadwick, Susannah (I2789)
1069 Tanner Osborne, Thomas (I1702)
1070 Tanner book gave year of birth as 1903; either birth or death date was incorrect. Presumed the birth year was 1893 based on year of marriage, order of children in list, and date of death.  Tanner, Eva Julia (I844)
1071 Taught in schools in Little Falls, Brainerd and Breckenridge, Minnesota Martin, Blanche Alma (I84)
1072 Tenant farmer at Holum farm. Lived in a place called Kina (China in modern Norse). All six children were born at Kina. [Viktor Wilson discussed the origin of the name Kina.]. They lived on this farm for 26 years, and then emigrated to North America in 1857. The landed in Quebec and then travelled to Otsego Township, Columbia Co, Wisconsin, where their son Lars lived. Two years later they moved to Vernon Township, Dodge Co, Minnesota, where Lars had moved one year earlier. They began using the surname Wilson during these early years. Wilson, Ellef (I300)
1073 Thankful of David and Hopestill, 27 Jul 1761 Tanner, Thankful (I420)
1074 Thanks to Jeffery Davie who pointed me to the right Hazel Grove and her family.  Grove, Hazel Evangeline (I81)
1075 Thanks to Laurel Steffes, a descendant of Samuel Knapp, who provided much of the information on this page. Knapp, Samuel (I1582)
1076 Thanks to Paul F. Edwards who drew my attention to Angelica. Angelica and Angeline were twins. Angeline's descendants know of Angelica but have been unable to find out anything further about her.  Knapp, Angelica (I593)
1077 Thanks to Paul F. Edwards who provided key information on Angeline and her children. Knapp, Angeline (I313)
1078 That Solomon's wife Sarah was the daughter of Pelatiah Mills, Jr. of Bloomfield Connecticut is based on the following evidence. 1. One of the executors named in Solomon's will was Samuel Mills. It is presumed that this was the Samuel Mills living in Johnstown, Fulton County in 1855 whose father was Bildad Mills. (No other Samuel Mills was found.) 2. Bildad Mills had a sister Sarah who was baptized in 1772, the same birth year calculated from Sarah's gravestone and census records.  Mills, Sarah (I558)
1079 The 1769 date was calculated from her age (87) in her 1856 application for a pension as a widow of a Revolutionary War veteran. The 1771 date is based on the 1850 US census.  Eddy, Sarah (I1333)
1080 The 1820 US Census shows Amos Lee Jr. living next to Amos Lee.

The following was taken from the biosketch of W.A. Lee in Portrait and Biographical Album of Knox County, Illinois, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago p. 523 (text located by Googling Title)

. . . Mr. [W.A.] Lee was born in Ontario County, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1822, his father being Amos and his mother Mary (Willard) Lee, natives of Massachusetts and Vermont respectively. The calling of his father was that of a farmer, and the children of the parental household were ten in number, seven of whom are living at this writing -- Elias W., Myron H., William A., George C, Benjamin F. and Thaddeus C. Those deceased are Charles H., Harriet H. and Hannah A. Both heads of the house-hold died in New York State, the mother in 1877 and the father in 1879. . .  
Lee, Amos Jr. (I304)
1081 The 1830 US Census lists 1 male between 5 and 10 years old in Isaac Osborn's houshold. This child would have been Isaac 3rd. Orsborn (Osborn), Isaac 3rd (I556)
1082 The 1850 US Census listed Clara A. Lee in Amos Lee's household. Was this Hannah? Neither Clara nor Hannah were listed in the 1850 US Census. Lee, Hannah A. (I730)
1083 The 1900 and 1910 US Census records agree with Maud's record of the family. The 1900 Census says that A. W.'s parents were born in New York and Nova Scotia, as, in fact, they were. Martin, Alfred W. (I63)
1084 The 1900 US Census says that Charles married Lottie in 1884, indicating that Polly had died before then. Polly was still living with Charles in 1880.  Fennel, Polly (I1287)
1085 The Hyde Genealogy lists her as Abigail while Calkins Family in America lists her as Mary Abigail.  Wattles, Abigail (I72)
1086 The assertion that Isaac moved to a farm in Fairfield in 1792 appears to be incorrect, as the census puts him in Winslow in 1800.  Orsborn (Osborn), Isaac (I1463)
1087 The Baraboo Republic - Wednesday, 4 Mar 1874
One of the most singular diseases known to the medical profession is that termed senile gangrene. It is a mortification of living flesh, and generally begins at the extremities, the tips of the fingers, and spreads until the whole body is affected or until death ensues. The prefix "senile" pertaining to old age, or having its origin from old age, is to distinguish it from the ordinary hospital gangrene. But one case of this disease has ever came to our knowledge, and that occurred a few days since near this village, as we are informed by Dr. M.M Davis, the attendant physician. The affected person was Mrs. Wilcox, an old lady aged 95 years, mother of Mr. Norris Wilcox. The disease first made its appearance at the tips of her fingers and had the appearance of a red blotch. It gradually extended over the hand and affected the arm. The sensation led the patient to believe that a dead weight was attached to that side of her body, and to ask that it be removed. As the disease is generally regarded as fatal, no relief could be afforded her, and the gangrene rapidly spread until all vitality had left the body.
Transcribed and provided by Cathy Kuhl 
Newell, Dinah (I1246)
1088 The Barbour Collection gives two dates for the marriage of Benjamin 1st: 18 Apr 1700 for marriage to Elizabeth Butler and 28 Feb 1700/1 for marriage to Elizabeth Buttler. Family: Knapp, Benjamin 1st / Butler (Buttler), Elizabeth (F739)
1089 The birth date given on Samuel's page on findagrave.com (15 Mar 1786) agrees with other undocumented sources, but the birth date calculated from the gravestone (age 72 years 5 months and 22 days) was 2 Feb 1786. Knapp, Samuel Jr (I2132)
1090 The birth record for Mary is the only evidence for Lydia being the wife of Thomas Hunkins. If that record is incorrect and Rachel was actually the mother of Mary, or if Mary was the illegitimate daughter of Thomas's daughter Lydia, then the Rachel named in Thomas Hunkins' will could be the Rachel Canney he married in 1711. Thomas' daughter Lydia would have been 14 when Mary was born, and Lydia's son Thomas was born 2.6 months after she married John Town. Mary had an illegitimate son John Campbell when she was 19.  Family: Hunkins, Thomas / Lydia (F904)
1091 The birthplace of Nathan 3rd is undocumented. The 1865 New York census says he was born in Chenango County, New York, but the 1875 New York census says his birthplace is unknown. His brother John's birthplace is Petersburgh, Rensselaer, New York and it is likely that Nathan 3rd was born in the same place. Tanner, Nathan 3rd (I438)
1092 The children of David and Abiah named on this site include only those named in David's will. David's son Solomon I. Knapp, an executor of the will, declared in probate that there were no other heirs or next of kin. There may have been children who died before the will was written in 1834 and are not in this list.
The following were named as David's children in A.A. Knapp's Nicholas Knapp Genealogy but were not in David's will.
H-707 David, m. Hannah Osborne. I have placed this David in Solomon Knapp's family for reasons explained in a note on David Benjamin Knapp's page of this site.
H-708 Mary, m. David Ashley, Grafton, Ohio. David Ashley was merely the official in Grafton, Ohio who deposed William McConnell and E.C. McConnell, the witnesses who saw David sign his will. Ashley was not otherwise mentioned in the probate papers or will.
H-717. John, b. before 1806. m. Jane ________
H-718. Benjamin.
Family: Knapp, David / Hall (Hull), Abiah (F312)
1093 The date is based on the fact that Zerviah was not living in Paul's household in the 1800 US Census. The location is assumed. Daniel Walker witnessed one of Paul Sr.'s deeds in 1802; this was Daniel's first appeared in a record associated with the Phelps family. Zerviah was 22 years old when the family moved to Woodford in 1795.  Family: Walker, Daniel / Phelps, Zerviah (F767)
1094 The date of death, which is unknown, is based on the date of burial and allows time for a coroner's inquest which was held due to "some late strife between his wife and him". After hearing all the evidence and viewing the corpse, the jury found "noe wound nor bruise that might hasten his death. " Anidowne (Amadowne, Amidon), Roger (I2316)
1095 The date of Elizabeth's death was given in the family record shown in a note below on this page. The location of her death is uncertain, but is presumed to be Coventry, Rhode Island, as her family appears to have left Rhode Island in 1770. Greene, Elizabeth (1st) (I2219)
1096 The date of marriage is listed as April 4 in the text and April 5 in the figure on p 17 of VOW's Ottman book. Family: Phelps, Clark / Keeler, Laura Jane (F69)
1097 The date of the will on ancestry.com, 7 Mar 1768, is incorrect.  Baley (Bailey), Thomas 3rd (I1992)
1098 The dates that Beaman gives for William's will (written 15 Mar 1752, proved 27 Apr 1752)are almost certainly erroneous as they are the same as the dates for son Nathan's will in both Beaman's and Tanner's books. Tanner, William (I138)
1099 The exact date of Solomon's death is unclear. The probate documents give it as on or about 19 Aug 1848. A transcript of the death records from the Fulton County Clerk's Office says that he died 27 Aug 1848, while Solomon's gravestone says he died 27 August 1847, but that year is incorrect, because Solomon made his will 25 April 1848.
Knapp, Solomon (I557)
1100 The family bible gave her birth date as March 25, 1792. Simmons, Ruth (I749)

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