Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1201 Vital records say 6 Mar 1682/3 Best says 6 Mar 1683. Wheaton, Nathaniel (I2667)
1202 Vital records says Mercy and Best says Mehitable. Wheaton, Mercy (Mehitable) (I2666)
1203 Walter is honored by two stones in the Old Cemetery, but he is not buried there. His service in the Revolutionary War is recognized by a modern stone and by a cenotaph which reads "This monument is erected in Memory of Capt. Walter Hyde who was of approved integrity, a useful member of Society, a kind husband, an affectionate parent, a lover of his country & a firm Supporter of the rights of Mankind. Exempt from Military duty by former command, he nobly stept forth, raised and took the command of an Independent Company & with them proceeded to the neighbourhood of N. York A.D. 1776 in defence of the invaded rights of the United American States when he died at Greenwich on the 18th day of Sept. 1776 aged 41 years & was there buried & his grave undistinguishable from those of many other strangers. His death was greatly lamented by all to whom he was known."  Hyde, Captain Walter (I68)
1204 Walter's birthplace is unclear. His birthplace was listed as New York in the 1900 US Census for his children Elizabeth (and Zerviah, who was in the same household), Cleoden and Alfred, but as Vermont by Lycurgus. His grandson Walter Gaynor also gave Walter's birthplace as Vermont on Zerviah Martin Gaynor's death certificate. Some sources give his birthplace as Claverack, Columbia, New York. Claverack may have been inferred from Walworth's Hyde Genealogy which stated that Walter's parents moved from Claverack to Bainbridge, New York in 1806. If that is true, Walter may have been born in Bainbridge or nearby Afton, New York. Martin, Walter Hyde (I23)
1205 Walworth in the Hyde Genealogy says that Daniel settled in Lebanon, Connecticut,moved to Middleburgh (Schoharie County), New York in 1795, then to Claverack, then in 1806 moved to Bainbridge. Daniel's age on his tombstone agrees with the birth date of Daniel Hyde, b. Lebanon, Connecticut. Walworth's description of Zerviah's marriage to Earl Martin, their move to Canada West, her son Walter Hyde Martin, and the names of Walter's children also fit the known facts.

Hyde, Daniel (I37)
1206 Wedding date from biosketch of Arthur D. Knapp. Family: Knapp, David Benjamin / Orsborn (Osborn), Hannah (F31)
1207 Who were the parents of Benjamin Brown who married Hannah Benjamin in 1755?

Town records (Barbour Collection) of Canterbury, Windham, Connecticut shows the following (all Browns unless surname given):

a.Thomas m. Rachel Levens, 30 Jan 1705/6

b. Benjamin, d. 12 Feb 1710/11 (p. 140) [Was he a child of Thomas and Rachel or a different Benjamin?]

c. Benjamin, s. Thomas and Rachel b. 1 Sep 1713 (p. 140)

d. Benjamin m. Mary Shirtley, 24 Mar 1735 (p. 140) [Presumably this Benjamin was the son of Thomas and Rachel. Benjamin and Mary had only one child (Phebe) recorded in town records and Canterbury Congregational Church records. Were there others?]

e. Benjamin m. Hannah Benjamin, 25 Feb 1755 (p.140) [Was this Benjamin the son of Thomas and Rachel or an unrecorded son of Benjamin and Mary? If he was the son of Thomas and Rachel, he would have been about 42 when he married Hannah. Also, Mary Shirtley Brown must have died. Rachel surely was young when she married as she had at least 15 children over 26 years (and apparently more as two daughters were named in Benjamin's will who were not in town records).]

f. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Hannah b. 1 Jan 1756 (p. 140) [Benjamin Jr. or Benjamin III?]

g. Benjamin Jr. m. Esther Staples, 17 Dec 1779.

Canterbury Congregational Church record abstracts did not help.
Phebe Brown [presumably d. of Benjamin and Mary] m. Samuel Butt 24 Dec 1765. They had several children. Phebe did not appear in Benjamin Brown's will, so she was either not his daughter or died before him. 
Brown, Benjamin Sr. (I2575)
1208 Widow of Carl Gustafson, a cousin of Viola Redding Tanner. Gustafson, Zoe Warren (I716)
1209 Widow of John Bankes, draper. (__) Bankes, Margaret (I2646)
1210 Widow of John Broughton and daughter of Thomas Bascom. (Bascom) Broughton, Hannah (I2294)
1211 Widow of John Martin ______, Martin, Sarah (I2425)
1212 Widow of Orloff Williams (Warren) Williams, Ruth (I1664)
1213 Widow of Timothy's brother Jacob.  Family: Orsborn (Osborn), Timothy / Burrill, Lydia (F584)
1214 Wilhelm was a farm hand or perhaps a crofter or tenant farmer. His surname changed as he moved from one house or farm to another. Known to his Bloom descendants as Wilhelm Heiniluoma. Lähteenmäki, Haapala, Heiniluoma, Wilhelm Michaelsson (I343)
1215 William Bradford wrote "Moyses Fletcher, Thomas Williams, Digerie Preist, John Goodman, Edmond Margeson, Richard Britteridge, Richard Clarke. All these dyed sone after their arivall, in the generall sicknes that befell. But Digerie Preist had his wife & children sent hither afterwards, she being Mr. Allertons sister. But the rest left no posteritie here. " Family: Priest, Degory / Allerton (Vincent, Priest, Godbertson), Sarah (F863)
1216 William Bradford wrote "Mr. Steven Hopkins, & Elizabeth, his wife, and 2. children, caled Giles, and Constanta, a doughter, both by a former wife; and 2. more by this wife, caled Damaris & Oceanus; the last was borne at sea; and 2. servants, called Edward Doty and Edward Litster." and "Mr. Hopkins and his wife are now both dead, but they lived above 20. years in this place, and had one sone and 4. doughters borne here. Ther sone became a seaman, & dyed at Barbadoes; one daughter dyed here, and 2. are maried; one of them hath 2. children; & one is yet to mary. So their increase which still survive are 5. But his sone Giles is maried, and hath 4. children. " Family: Hopkins, Stephen / Fisher, Elizabeth (F857)
1217 William deeded land as late as 25 Aug 1731. Tanner, William (I138)
1218 William signed his name Osborn not Orsborn. Osborn, William (I1465)
1219 William was a son of Samuel Dudley, the husband of Anne's sister Sarah. Family: Dudley, William / Shepard, Anne (F897)
1220 William was from Berkeley, Massachusetts.  Family: Nichols, William / Gooding, Mary (F668)
1221 William's birth date given as 23 Aug 1864 in family records and as 23 Jul 1865 in his death record. His birthplace was given as Little Falls, Minnesota in his death record. Simmons, William Lee (I464)
1222 Worked as a liveryman in Saginaw. Martin, Jira S. (I67)
1223 WWI leader of the Red Arrow Division. Became Circuit Court Judge in 1926. Martin, Harry W (I962)
1224 Year calculated from death record. Mills, Pelatiah (I2063)
1225 Year calculated from death record. Dresser, Mary (I1156)
1226 Yeoman Osborne, Edward (I1728)
1227 Yeoman Hall, Robert the younger (I2639)
1228 Yeoman. Osborne, Edward (I1728)
1229 Yeoman. Hall, Thomas (I2616)
1230 Zerviah's birth date was given as 23 May 1836 on her death certificate, but as Apr 1835 in the 1900 US Census.  Martin, Zerviah Hyde (I64)

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