Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families



Matches 201 to 250 of 1,230

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
201 Benjamin was named as the brother of David, Samuel, Solomon, Rachel and Susannah Knapp in his wife Catherine's will. (Transcript under documents below) Knapp, Benjamin S. (I2068)
202 Benjamin's wife is sometimes given the surname Henne. Henne is a version of Hannah found in records of Dutch Reformed Churches. I suspect its use as a surname is an error and have entered as a given name. Hannah (Henne) (I2098)
203 Berkshire County was established 21 Jun 1761. Prior to that it was part of Hampshire County. Deeds for Hampshire County for that period are in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds, unless they were registered after Berkshire County was formed, in which case they are in a Berkshire County Registry. Martin, Capt. Samuel (I29)
204 Bertha Otterness was living with the family in 1905 and 1910.  Jurgerson, George William (I371)
205 Best and Faulkner each say she died in Readsboro, Vermont. However, Roger and Elizabeth had been living across the state line in Rowe, Massachusetts for 11 years when she died, and her death record shows she died in Rowe.  Shepard [Shepherd], Elizabeth (I186)
206 Best incorrectly says 19 May. Amidon, John (I2675)
207 Best says 18 Mar. Wheaton, Jeremiah (I2661)
208 Best says Roger died in Readsboro, Vermont, but death records show that both Roger and his wife Elizabeth died in Rowe, Massachusetts where they had lived for many years.  Amidon, Roger Jr. (I185)
209 Best wrote that Roger Amidon married Elizabeth Hawkins daughter of Thomas Hawkins, but the marriage record said that Elizabeth's maiden name was Hunkins, and Thomas Hunkins named his daughter Elizabeth Amidon in his will Hunkins, Elizabeth (I188)
210 Best's book on the Amidon family says that Hannah's birth date was 20 Sep 1652, the same as her sister Joanna's birth date. While it is possible that Hannah and Joanna were twins, it also is possible that Best somehow concluded they were the same person. I suspect that Hannah that was born some time earlier. If 20 Sep 1652 was Hannah's birth date, she would have been only 13 years 9 months and 3 days old when her first child Hannah was born. Thus, she would only have 12 or barely 13 when she was married. That would have been an exceptionally early age for marriage even at that time.

That Hannah was Roger's daughter is shown by the following extract from the agreement on the distribution of Roger's assets after his death: "that one other acre of fresh meadow, lying at the aforesaid 40 acre meadow, be settled unto and upon Hannah Wheaton, the daughter of the said Roger Annadowne, wife unto Jeremiah Wheaton, and likewise 10 acres of upland lying at Wachamaucutt Necke."
Amidon (Amadowne), Hannah (I2653)
211 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Bloom, Irene Claire (F167)
212 Between date will written 8 Jul 1665 and date of probate 6 Mar 1665/6. Margaret (I2777)
213 Birth and death dates from gravestone. Phelps, Austin W. (I2346)
214 Birth and death dates on gravestone. Birthplace identified in newspaper clipping shown below.  Phelps, Plynn [Plyn, Plynne] (I2357)
215 Birth and death dates on gravestone. Said to have been born in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, but I have not yet found documentation. Rice, Lucy Cumber (I2366)
216 Birth calculated from age given in her will. Mary (I1891)
217 Birth data assumes she was the daughter of Robert and Sarah Roth. Roth (probably), Mary (I1821)
218 Birth date and place from Frank Martin (a descendant). Martin, Hamilton (I918)
219 Birth date calculated from date of and age at death (73 years) on grave monument. Samuel's birthplace is undocumented but may be Connnecticut, Massachusetts or Vermont.  Martin, Samuel (I27)
220 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Keene, Eph. J. (I1242)
221 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Martin, Jacob (I937)
222 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Martin, Isaac (I936)
223 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Martin, Andrew (I935)
224 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Martin, Summers (I934)
225 Birth date calculated from gravestone. Her birthplace was given as Massachusetts in the 1850 US Census and Vermont in the 1860 US Census. McIntire, Tirzah (I2202)
226 Birth date calculated from information on death certificate.  Chamberlain, Frederick Bradley (I463)
227 Birth date calculated from information on death record. Martin, Jira S. (I67)
228 Birth date calculated from information on gravestone matches that on birth record thereby confirming that this Paul is the son of Paul and Zerviah.  Phelps, Paul (3rd) (I1228)
229 Birth date calculated from information on gravestone. The date was given as 15 Sep 1792 in the "History of St. Albans Maine". Birthplace is from his son Enos' death certificate (Informant was Enos' daughter Emma). Orsborn (Osborn), Isaac Jr. (I414)
230 Birth date correct only if the birth record for "Eliezer" actually refers to Elisha instead of his possible older brother Eleazer. Paine, Elisha (I1861)
231 Birth date from back of photograph.  Keeler, Laura Jane (I180)
232 Birth date from data in death record. Nellis, James A (I997)
233 Birth date from data on death cert. Nellis, Julia A (I995)
234 Birth date from findagrave.com.
Sarah's birth place is unknown. Her father was killed at the Battle of Bennington two months before she was born. (Despite its name, the Battle did not take take place in Bennington, Vermont but actually took place on August 16, 1777 at Walloomsac in the Town of Hoosick, in what was then Albany County but is now Rensselaer County, New York.) We do not know where Sarah's parents were living at the time of the Battle, but wherever they lived, Sarah's mother may have returned to her parent's home in Little Hoosick and given birth there (i.e. the home of Thomas and Huldah Bailey).  
Devoe, Sarah (I2786)
235 Birth date from gravestone was 10 Jun 1860, but there is a legibility problem. Lee, Amos Sr. (I758)
236 Birth date from Maud Latham's notes. Although one of Maud Latham's papers says Augustus was born in Connecticut, all of his census records say he was born in Massachusetts. There is a birth record for a female child Augusta Blair Lathan[sic] born 9 Sep 1857 to Alanson Lathan and Charlotte W. Lathan. This appears to be Augustus as the birth date agrees with Maud's notes and Augustus appears as a 13 year old male in Alanson Lathram's [sic] household in the 1870 US Census.  Latham, Augustus Blair (I85)
237 Birth date from Plymouth Colony Recs. It has been suggested that the name "Eliezer" was a mistaken rendering of Elisha, the next child listed. Paine, Eleazer (I2533)
238 Birth date is based on the gravestone information.  Orsborn (Osborn), Isaac 3rd (I556)
239 Birth date is Dec 1872 in the 1900 US Census and 1869 on headstone.  Otterness, Sena Louise (I366)
240 Birth date is from Best. Birth record not found yet. Amidon, Roger Sr. (I187)
241 Birth location provided by his daughter Emma on his death record.

Of Enos' and Mary's nine children, six died young.

Enos' children were identified from gravestones and census data.  
Orsborn (Osborn), Enos Cole (I451)
242 Birth name possibly Bramhall. Harriet H. (I1553)
243 Birth place from Henry Willse's death cert. Tanner, Roxana (I441)
244 Birth records for Silence.

Name: Silance Rowland
Event Type: Birth
Birth Date: 17 Jul 1729
Birth Place: Dighton, Massachusetts
Father Name: S[?]th Rowland
Mother Name: Lydia Fronling

Same child in another record.
Name: Silence Rouland
Event Type: Birth
Birth Date: 17 Jul 1729
Birth Place: Dighton, Massachusetts
Father Name: Smith Rouland
Mother Name: Lydiah

Source Information:
Ancestry.com. Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
Rowland (Rouland) Burlingame, Silence (I382)
245 Birth year based on 1851 Canada Census (actually taken in 1852). His birth date was Mar 1838 in the 1900 US Census, and abt 1836 from the 1910 US Census.  Martin, Alfred W. (I63)
246 Birth year based on age at death.  Crossman, Hannah (I2763)
247 Birth year calculated from age of death on gravestone (79).  Burns, Douwe (Dow) Didimus (Ditemus) (I57)
248 Birth year calculated from death notice.  Knapp, Benjamin S. (I2068)
249 Birth year estimated from age on ship manifest at time of immigration. Ahola, Oskar (I687)
250 Birth year from grave info. Location from history books. Baley (Bailey), Stanton (I1987)

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