Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families

Tanner, John[1]

Male 1802 - 1873  (70 years)

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  • Name Tanner, John  
    Birth 14 Dec 1802  Petersburgh, Rensselaer, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • Birthplace and his parents names were given in the record of his marriage to Theodia Hooper Keene. John's birthplace was incorrectly given as Otsego, New York in William Tanner of South Kingston . . . by Rev. G.C. Tanner. [2]
    • Birth year given as 1802 on page 410 and 1803 on page 424 of G.C. Tanner's book. His age was given as 47 in the 1850 Minnesota Territorial Census (thus birth year 1803) and 69 (birth year 1801) in the 1870 US Census.
    Gender Male 
    Land 1828  Milford, Otsego, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 4
    Two deeds showed that John obtained rights to the surplus water output of Browns Spring in Milford.
    First, on 27 Mar 1828 John and Clark R. Baker bought from Eliakim R. Ford and wife Harriet for $600 1 acre and 64 rods of land along with the durable privilege of using the excess water of Brown's spring. Deed recorded 31 Mar 1828.
    (Link to image of deed on familysearch.org)
    Second, on 10 Nov 1828 John bought Clark Baker's one-half undivided share in the property and the water rights for $75. Deed recorded 20 Dec 1828.
    (Link to image of deed on familysearch.org)  
    Residence 1830  Milford, Otsego, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Household: (Free White Persons)
    Males - 20 thru 29: 1 [John]
    Females - Under 5: 1 [Caroline]
    Females - 10 thru 14: 1 ?
    Females - 20 thru 29: 2 [Catherine and ?]
    No others 
    Politics 1 Mar 1831  Oneonta, Otsego, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    John was on the list of voters for the first town meeting after the Town of Oneonta was formed.  
    Residence 1840  Oneonta, Otsego, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    Household: (Free white persons)
    Males - Under 5: 1 [James]
    Males - 5 thru 9: 1 [Ulysses]
    Males - 30 thru 39: 1 [John]
    Females - 5 thru 9: 2 [Sarah, Euphemia]
    Females - 10 thru 14: 1 [Caroline]
    Females - 30 thru 39: 2 [Catherine and ?]
    No others 
    Relocation 1844  Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Moved to the Freeport, Illinois area. John's daughters Caroline and Sarah Augusta married men from that region.  
    Relocation 1848  Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Moved to Stillwater, St. Croix County (now Washington County) and then to St. Paul. The 1848 date is supported by his son Alfred's 1900 membership in the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers which said that he came to Minnesota in 1848. G.C. Tanner's book says that John moved to Freeport, Illinois in 1844 and lived there for four years which is consistent with an 1848 move to Minnesota. Sometime in the 1850s he separated from his wife Catherine (I have not attempted to find a divorce record.) Catherine and her sons James and Alfred moved to Little Falls, Minnesota by 1860. John married Mary Knight and lived in Washington County as a farmer. He and Mary separated. Mary was living alone in St. Paul in 1863. John moved to Sparta Wisconsin before 1870. 
    Residence 1849  Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [8, 9
    Then Stillwater District, St. Croix County, Minnesota Territory. John obtained a federal land patent for 40 acres in St Croix County. Description: SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of section 29 in township 30N of range 20W. See map below for location.
    John appeared in the 1849 Minnesota Territorial Census. Household contained 4 males, 2 females for a total of 6. These would have been John, Ulysses, James W. and Alfred, Catherine and Euphemia. Caroline and Sara Augusta had been married in Illinois.
    Residence 1850  St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    In the 1850 Minnesota US Census for St. Paul, Minnesota Territory, John (age 47) is listed with Catherine (44), Josephine (Euphemia, 16) James (14) and Alfred (10).  
    Residence 18 Jul 1860  Woodberry, Washington, Minnesota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    1860 US Census
    John Tanner 58 M Farmer born NY
    Mary C. Tanner 36 F -- born NY
    Alfred Tanner 15 M Farm laborer born NY
    Anna Holst 13 F -- born England

    This appears to be our John because he was the right age and his son Alfred was present, although Alfred was 19 not 15. Alfred was probably visiting because he was also listed in the 1860 Little Falls Census.
    John had married Mary Knight the year before. Mrs Mary C. Tanner was listed living alone in the St Paul City Directory in 1863, so it appears the marriage did not last.  
    Will 12 Aug 1861  Washington County, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    Will was written 12 Aug 1861 in Washington County, Minnesota and entered into probate in Monroe County, Wisconsin.
    Named in will:
    Daughter Caroline Wilson (Widow of John Wilson)
    Sons Ulysses, James W., & Alfred
    Daughter Euphemia Trask
    Caroline Wilson and Euphemia Trask named as Executrices
    None of his wives were named.
    Land 27 Apr 1869  Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    John bought 7 acres of land from Thomas and Elizabeth Tanner for $140. Deed recorded 29 Aug 1870. ". . . a piece of land 80 rods long North & South and fourteen rods wide east & west being the west 7 acres of the east half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 17 (17) Township seventeen (17) North of Range four (4) west . . . The said Thomas Tanner reserves the privilege of crossing and recrossing the south end of said land where the lane now is."  
    Residence 1869 - 1870  Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    We do not know when John arrived in Sparta. The earliest records are the land purchase on 27 Apr 1869 and a letter (in file) dated 9 May 1869 written by Mary Jane (Simmons) Tanner to her mother in which she wrote that she had received a letter from her father-in-law John Tanner, Esq, of Sparta, Wisconsin. The letter from John Tanner was clearly a sensitive subject in Mary Jane's household, as she did not reveal it to her mother-in-law Catherine, but said she would follow her husband's advice.

    In 1870 John (age 69) was living in the same household as Thomas Tanner (71), Betsy Tanner (age 54), Dinsmore Morgan (22), Mahala Morgan (26), Hattie Morgan (2/12)(US Census). Living in the next household listed was James E. Tanner (age 32, b New York), Ann Tanner (24), Vernie A (3), Clifford R. (1). Thomas was undoubtedly John's uncle born 21 Apr 1799. He had a son James Eugene (b 22 Jan 1838) and a daughter Mahalah (birth date unknown) as described in Tanner book p 411. Thomas also had a sister named Mahala. John was not living with Thomas Tanner in 1860.  
    Death 29 Jun 1873  Herseyville, Monroe, Wisconsin Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 15
    Burial Leon Cemetery, Leon, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I128  Martin-Bloom
    Last Modified 22 Aug 2022 

    Father Tanner, Nathan (2nd),   b. 17 Apr 1781, New York Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 10 Oct 1856 (Age 75 years) 
    Mother Lloyd, Susanna,   b. 23 Oct 1778, Charlestown, Washington, Rhode Island Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jun 1851 (Age 72 years) 
    Marriage 28 Dec 1800  Petersburgh, Rensselaer, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Petersburgh is an educated guess, because there is no marriage record, but Susanna's husband and her brother John both lived there.
    Family ID F46  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Willse, Catherine Elizabeth,   b. 22 Aug 1806, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Feb 1888, Little Falls, Morrison, Minnesota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years) 
    Marriage 24 Jun 1828  Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    • Marriage place is assumed not documented.
    Separated circa 1855  St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    +1. Tanner, Caroline,   b. 7 Jan 1830, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 6 Nov 1904, Orangeville, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years)
    +2. Tanner, Sarah Augusta,   b. 2 Dec 1830, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 31 Mar 1852, San Francisco, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 21 years)
    +3. Tanner, Ulysses,   b. 2 Aug 1832, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 May 1914, Hennepin, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years)
    +4. Tanner, Euphemia,   b. 15 Jun 1834, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Apr 1910, Washington County, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 75 years)
    +5. Tanner, James Wilsie,   b. 2 Oct 1836, Oneonta, Otsego, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Dec 1921, Bakersfield, Kern, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years)
    +6. Tanner, Alfred,   b. 23 Aug 1840, Otsego , New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1912 (Age 71 years)
    Family ID F45  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Mar 2013 

    Family 2 Knight, Mary,   b. 1824, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 6 Apr 1859  Ramsey County, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    • The marriage appears to have failed by 1863, as John and Mary were living apart in that year. I don't know if they were divorced or separated. (See Mary's residence in 1863.)
    Family ID F939  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 9 Dec 2022 

    Family 3 Hooper, Theodia,   b. Abt 1815, New York Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1882, Monroe County, Wisconsin Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 67 years) 
    Marriage 23 Nov 1870  Herseyville, Monroe, Wisconsin Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    • Married by J. M. Carmichael, minister.
     1. Tanner, Minnie,   b. 1860   d. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F182  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 20 Dec 2011 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 14 Dec 1802 - Petersburgh, Rensselaer, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsLand - Two deeds showed that John obtained rights to the surplus water output of Browns Spring in Milford. First, on 27 Mar 1828 John and Clark R. Baker bought from Eliakim R. Ford and wife Harriet for $600 1 acre and 64 rods of land along with the durable privilege of using the excess water of Brown's spring. Deed recorded 31 Mar 1828. (Link to image of deed on familysearch.org) Second, on 10 Nov 1828 John bought Clark Baker's one-half undivided share in the property and the water rights for $75. Deed recorded 20 Dec 1828. (Link to image of deed on familysearch.org) - 1828 - Milford, Otsego, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 24 Jun 1828 - Otsego , New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Household: (Free White Persons) Males - 20 thru 29: 1 [John] Females - Under 5: 1 [Caroline] Females - 10 thru 14: 1 ? Females - 20 thru 29: 2 [Catherine and ?] No others - 1830 - Milford, Otsego, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPolitics - John was on the list of voters for the first town meeting after the Town of Oneonta was formed. - 1 Mar 1831 - Oneonta, Otsego, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Household: (Free white persons) Males - Under 5: 1 [James] Males - 5 thru 9: 1 [Ulysses] Males - 30 thru 39: 1 [John] Females - 5 thru 9: 2 [Sarah, Euphemia] Females - 10 thru 14: 1 [Caroline] Females - 30 thru 39: 2 [Catherine and ?] No others - 1840 - Oneonta, Otsego, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsRelocation - Moved to the Freeport, Illinois area. John's daughters Caroline and Sarah Augusta married men from that region. - 1844 - Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - In the 1850 Minnesota US Census for St. Paul, Minnesota Territory, John (age 47) is listed with Catherine (44), Josephine (Euphemia, 16) James (14) and Alfred (10). - 1850 - St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsSeparated - circa 1855 - St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsLand - John bought 7 acres of land from Thomas and Elizabeth Tanner for $140. Deed recorded 29 Aug 1870. ". . . a piece of land 80 rods long North & South and fourteen rods wide east & west being the west 7 acres of the east half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 17 (17) Township seventeen (17) North of Range four (4) west . . . The said Thomas Tanner reserves the privilege of crossing and recrossing the south end of said land where the lane now is." - 27 Apr 1869 - Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - We do not know when John arrived in Sparta. The earliest records are the land purchase on 27 Apr 1869 and a letter (in file) dated 9 May 1869 written by Mary Jane (Simmons) Tanner to her mother in which she wrote that she had received a letter from her father-in-law John Tanner, Esq, of Sparta, Wisconsin. The letter from John Tanner was clearly a sensitive subject in Mary Jane's household, as she did not reveal it to her mother-in-law Catherine, but said she would follow her husband's advice. In 1870 John (age 69) was living in the same household as Thomas Tanner (71), Betsy Tanner (age 54), Dinsmore Morgan (22), Mahala Morgan (26), Hattie Morgan (2/12)(US Census). Living in the next household listed was James E. Tanner (age 32, b New York), Ann Tanner (24), Vernie A (3), Clifford R. (1). Thomas was undoubtedly John's uncle born 21 Apr 1799. He had a son James Eugene (b 22 Jan 1838) and a daughter Mahalah (birth date unknown) as described in Tanner book p 411. Thomas also had a sister named Mahala. John was not living with Thomas Tanner in 1860. - 1869 - 1870 - Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 23 Nov 1870 - Herseyville, Monroe, Wisconsin Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 29 Jun 1873 - Herseyville, Monroe, Wisconsin Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - - Leon Cemetery, Leon, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Photos
    Tanner, John
    John Tanner
    Lottie Lee Martin wrote on the back "I think this is our grandfather John Tanner. "

    Tanner, John: 1870 US Census for Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin
    Tanner, John: 1870 US Census for Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin
    John Tanner was listed in the household of Thomas Tanner.
    Location of John Tanner's Land Patent in Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota
    Location of John Tanner's Land Patent in Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota
    Red square is location of John Tanner's land.
    Original map from the Digitized State of Minnesota Plat Book -- 1916
    John R. Borchert Map Library, University of Minnesota
    Marriage Record for John Tanner and Mrs. Theodia Hooper Keene
    Marriage Record for John Tanner and Mrs. Theodia Hooper Keene
    Record of John Tanner's second marriage documents his birthplace (Petersburgh, New York) and parent's names (Nathan Tanner and Susan Tanner). Record from Monroe County, Wisconsin, Book 2, p. 24.
    Tanner, John: 1849 Minnesota Territorial Census for Stillwater, St. Croix (now Washington) County.
    Tanner, John: 1849 Minnesota Territorial Census for Stillwater, St. Croix (now Washington) County.
    John's name is marked with a red asterisk. His family comprised 4 males (John, Ulysses, James, Alfred) and 2 females (Catherine, Euphemia). Census date: 11 Jun 1849.

    Tanner, John
    Tanner, John
    The gravestone was broken, laying face down and partially buried. John's name was legible but the remainder of the inscription was missing. Left it leaning against the stub of the stone.
    Tanner and Keene Gravestones
    Tanner and Keene Gravestones
    L. to R. John Tanner, Theodia Hooper Keene Tanner, E. J. Keene

  • Notes 
    • L.F. Martin wrote about John: "He came to St. Paul, Minn. where he established a home at what is now known as seven corners."
      John left his family sometime after 1850. Where he went is unclear, but he may have gone to Freeport, Illinois, where he had lived previously and his daughter Caroline was living. The only evidence for this idea found to date is John's name in a list of letters held at the Rockford, Illinois post office on 1 Jun 1856. Eventually he moved to Wisconsin and remarried.

      [15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]

  • Sources 
    1. [S5] Rev George C. Tanner, D.D., William Tanner , Sr. of South Kingstown, Rhode Island and His Descendants, (published by the author, 1910, Faribault, MN), pp. 424 - 425.

    2. [S156] Marriage Record, Monroe, Wisconsin Vol 2, p. 24, John Tanner and Theodia Hooper Keene.

    3. [S164] Deed, Otsego County, New York, Book NN, p. 265.

    4. [S164] Deed, Otsego County, New York, Book 00, p. 216.

    5. [S133] National Archives and Records Administration, 1830 US Census, (ancestry.com), Milford, Otsego, New York; Page: 246; NARA Series: M19; Roll Number: 102; Family History Film: 0017162.

    6. [S117] Dudley M. Campbell, History of Oneonta, (G. W. Fairchild & Co. 1906, Oneonta, New York), p. 84.

    7. [S134] National Archives and Records Administration, 1840 US Census, (ancestry.com), Oneonta, Otsego, New York; Roll: 328; Page: 126; Image: 255; Family History Library Film: 0017203.

    8. [S51] Federal Land Patent or Warrant, (U.S. Federal Bureau of Land Management web site http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/), Acc serial # MN2090_.085 , Land Office Falls St. Croix, Document Nr. 73.

    9. [S45] 1849 Minnesota Territorial Census, Stillwater, St. Croix, Minnesota.

    10. [S94] 1850 Minnesota Territorial Census, Ramsey, St. Paul.

    11. [S69] 1860 US Census, Woodberry, Washington, Minnesota, USA .

    12. [S362] John Tanner, Will of John Tanner, Wisconsin, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1800-1987 for John Tanner Monroe County Probate Records, Vol 6-11, 1871-1887, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2391562:9088?tid=&pid=&queryId=2e38c6d1f1b28c6bd94b572dae63dd28&_phsrc=gQb11&_phstart=successSource.

    13. [S164] Deed, Register of Deeds, Monroe County, Wisconsin, Book 24 p. 485.

    14. [S60] 1870 US Census, Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin p. 14.

    15. [S34] L. Frederick Martin, L. Frederick Martin's family records, MartinGenealogyLFM.pdf, p. 5.

    16. [S156] Marriage Record, Book A, p. 200 (image 401 of 766) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-LB6N-ZC1?i=400&cc=1803974&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQ2M5-CQQR.
      I the undersigned, a minister of the Gospel, did join in holy bonds of matrimony according to the laws of this Territory now State, John Tanner of Dolphin Min. and Mary Knight of New York after having examined one of the parties in oath by me administered and becoming satisfied that there was no legal impediment thereto John D. Pope, Minister of the Gospel

    17. [S156] Marriage Record, Monroe, Wisconsin Vol 2, p. 24, John Tanner and Theodia Keene.
      Copy in file.

    18. [S29] L. Frederick Martin's papers, p. 5.

    19. [S60] 1870 US Census, Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, p. 14.

    20. [S60] 1870 US Census, Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, p. 15.

    21. [S69] 1860 US Census, Leon, Monroe, Wisconsin, p 65, line 17.

    22. [S54] The Democrat (Newspaper) Rockford, Illinois, 8 Jun 1856.