Histories of the Martin, Wilson, Bloom, & Ahola Families
Surname List: Begins with G
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All surnames beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Gall (1) 2. Gardner (1) 3. Garwood (1) 4. Gates (1) 5. Gatt (1) 6. Gatta (Gatt) (1) 7. Gaynor (2) |
8. Gifford (3) 9. Gilbert (1) 10. Gillett (2) 11. Goatley (17) 12. Godbertson (2) 13. Goddard (2) 14. Godfrey (3) |
15. Goodale (1) 16. Gooding (23) 17. Gore (1) 18. Gould (1) 19. Graham (6) 20. Grant (1) 21. Graves (4) |
22. Gray (3) 23. Green (7) 24. Greene (10) 25. Greenfield (2) 26. Grove (6) 27. Guilliams (1) 28. Gulbranson (1) |
29. Gunulsen-Tweten (1) 30. Gurnee (1) 31. Gustafson (1) |